Saturday, March 2, 2019

I Feel Less Suicidal Now

I've started a new job. I am focusing on my health now. I am stepping out of my comfort zone more.
I feel less suicidal now that I cam actually doing the things that my subconscious mind have convinced me would be of no benefit. I am fully away that I am talking about myself blocking myself. Its really stupid when I think about it.

I do things that scare me if i am incentivized. Its my motivation. I am not on the journey to lose 100lbs. 45 kilos. 7.14 stone. I love the stones unit of measurement. I will continue to use that unit of measurement because it seems less intimidating and I can convince myself that its not that hard if I do so.

My goal is to weigh no more than 10 stone ( 140lb) and no less than 9 stone (124lbs). I am 157 cm (5ft2in) tall so that seems to be a healthy weight range for my height. i may even be taller by a few CM by the end of it.

My plan is as follows:
1. Create a simple easy to stick to meal plan with accessible grab n go snacks for rushed days.
2. Use the app Healthy Wage to motivate me to make my gym appointments ( $$$...$$)
3.Use the app Couch to 5k for a workout assistance. ( I really want to enjoy running plus i paid for it)
4.Maintain the lifestyle until I die.

Simple enough, yes?
Now I will combat my laziness and I am going to make an Instagram account to document my flabby to fit journey. I don't really care for followers so I don't plan on sharing it. Thus far, I've lost 6 lbs by just sitting on my bum and not bringing junk food into my home.

My goals for this task is as follows:
1.To not be winded when walking up stairs.
2.To be able to move without constant discomfort.
3.Eliminate weight related back pain and joint pain.
4.Save money on clothes because I don't have to pay the Fat Tax. ( Larger Bodies+Scarcity of Clothing options=Fat Tax)
5. Fit into a plane seat without sucking in my gut and pouring into the passengers seats next to me.
6. comfortable bras. ( If you have never been large & had large breast, you are blessed. Trust)

I don't expect this to be an easy thing to do and I know I'll contemplate giving up throughout the journey. I am expecting a hobbits journey and not a stroll on the beach.

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